To represent the experience of a boat ride through the Blue Lagoon, I decided to take the route of a sort of mood board. I used some pictures I took, a few I found, and included some words off of an associated word list I made for this project. This board mainly presents the colors, and the idea of the experience to the viewer.

Also, I wanted to include some information on the Blue Lagoon. The lagoon is located near Port Antonio, Jamaica. The lagoon itself is around 185 feet (56 meters) deep. Our "tour" of the lagoon included several stops. First, the boat took us out of the lagoon past several villas right on the water. Our guides told us that many famous people will come stay at these villas, and to stay there costs about $1000 a night. Next, we passed Monkey Island. This small island was once owned by a princess. The boat then led us into the swimming pool area. This area of the water literally looks like a swimming pool, and you can see right to the bottom through the water. Then, my family chose to snorkel in the waters near Monkey Island. The waters were a little rough to go to part of the reef, but our snorkeling experience was still beautiful. We saw many fish, coral, and even a stingray. After snorkeling, we took the boat back into the lagoon. We rode around the edge of the entire lagoon. One interesting thing I noticed was a huge tree that had fallen into the lagoon, and you could see as the tree went further into the deep water. It was almost an erie sight. Finally, our tour ended after we left the boat, and took a dip in the mineral spring right next to the lagoon. Overall, my experience at the Blue Lagoon was unlike any other, and I was especially inspired by the colors in the water.